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Hey, been a while since I thought to use this. But the gist is, I have my big film project in the works (HONEYMOON IN RED) that's in post to be edited. I've been severely sidetracked by life stuff. My best friend and band mate Pierson Dapier (drummer and songwriter with me in Moonbear Startiger) passed recently. He's also starred as Lars in LARS AND TINA'S PRETTY DOPE DAY and many other films of mine. That alongside personal issues have impacted my creative motivation in some ways, though I've been creating "VHS shorts" as a means to make the filmmaking process fun again and reduce the pressure of needing to create something "good". I've been working on paintings as well. Aiming to get a driver license and car for the first time at age 31 (better late than never!) and just trying to play around with my new PC and phone, which I've just set up so I can post and edit my site on the go! That's about all I have to say as a general update in regards to my creative output. I foresee many creative projects on the horizon, but as an artist I've learned not to push myself to burnout or "force" creativity. Whatever I do has to come from a place of desire or inspiration rather than a sense of obligation. I try to find ways to make life fun and express myself when I have my head clear...

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